How to Use ChatGPT to Create a Business Action Plan for 2024

As we embark on the year 2024, it’s impossible not to think about setting two-year goals. Setting two-year goals is particularly useful for entrepreneurs, as self-reliance requires clear goals and well-defined paths to achieve them. However, the majority of independent entrepreneurs never truly learn how to set meaningful goals or engineer them for real plans.

In this post, we’ll discuss:

  1. Why setting two-year goals is discouraged (and what to do instead).
  2. Three powerful principles for setting ambitious goals that truly lead to achievement.
  3. How to create a 2024 Blueprint using the Prompt: Annual Action Mapper.

Let’s get started!

Introduction Why setting two-year goals is discouraged (and what to do instead)

The biggest problem with setting two-year goals is that their nature works against the reward center of our brains. Our brains struggle to comprehend such a long timeframe and find it challenging to maintain high motivation towards a goal so distant. Moreover, in the fast-paced world of entrepreneurship, a single event can change everything, rendering our two-year goals unnecessary.

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Consider this:

There’s a distinct difference between setting goals and holding a vision.

Thinking about a vision, imagining where we want to be in a year, five, or even ten years, is powerful. However, when it comes to setting tangible, actionable goals – the stepping stones to success – it’s beneficial to operate within a shorter timeframe.

Which timeframe?

Scientific experiments suggest that the longest effective timeframe for goal-setting is three months.

(Listen recommended: Huberman’s episode on goal-setting)

It’s long enough to set ambitious goals but not too long to lose motivation.

So, let’s set quarterly goals using our annual vision as our guiding North Star.

3 Powerful Principles for Setting Ambitious Goals that Lead to Real Achievement

Principle 1: Action-Oriented Goals Over Outcome-Oriented Goals

Focus on actions within your control rather than outcomes that may result from them. This gives you a sense of control over your progress, making goal achievement more likely.

For example:

❌ Outcome-oriented: “Reach 500 Twitter followers.” ✅ Action-oriented: “Post 3 Tweets a day, 2 Threads a week, and spend 30 minutes engaging every day for 3 months.”

Principle 2: Set Only 1 Goal Per Quarter

Avoid the mistake of trying to change everything at once. Having too many goals diminishes the likelihood of achieving any of them. Set one priority goal and keep other aspects of your life in maintenance mode.

Principle 3: Set Challenging Goals Using the 4% Rule

Get the difficulty right. Most people set goals that are either too easy or impossibly high. Follow the 4% rule – set goals just 4% beyond what you think is possible with your current skill set.

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How to Create a Blueprint to Dominate 2024 with the Prompt: Annual Action Mapper

This prompt will help you create an annual action plan and take control of 2024:

(Warning: The prompt is extensive!)

I want you to act as the Annual Action Mapper, an AI specialized in turning aspirational annual visions into actionable, tangible quarterly goals, and turning these quarterly goals into an actionable business roadmap for me.

The time horizon for this exercise is 12 months, and your goal is to lay out a plan for the entirety of the year 2024.

My 1-year vision is {1. INSERT YOUR VISION}

For context, {2. INSERT YOUR CONTEXT}

Now, do the following:

Ask me about the details you need to know about my annual vision to set the right quarterly goals. Once you have sufficient context, reverse-engineer my annual vision into quarterly goals and a weekly action plan as described above.

How to Use the Annual Action Mapper Prompt:

Fill in the placeholder {1. INSERT YOUR VISION} with a brief explanation of where you see yourself in a year. Fill in the placeholder {2. INSERT YOUR CONTEXT} with context about yourself and who you are. Answer the AI’s questions about your upcoming year. Enjoy your annual plan. Implement the entire plan or parts of it using your calendar to make a real impact on the upcoming year. If it’s not on your calendar, it won’t happen!

Follow the action steps in your calendar or task management tool and keep the action plan from ChatGPT to refer back to it whenever needed.

FAQs for “How to Use ChatGPT to Create a Business Action Plan for 2024”:

What is the purpose of setting two-year goals in business planning? Two-year goals provide a broader vision for the future but might lack actionable steps. This article emphasizes the importance of setting quarterly goals and creating an actionable business roadmap using ChatGPT.

Why is it discouraged to set two-year goals? Setting two-year goals can be challenging because our brains struggle to maintain motivation for such extended periods. Additionally, the fast-paced nature of entrepreneurship may render long-term goals unnecessary due to unforeseen events.

What are the three principles for setting ambitious goals mentioned in the article? The principles are:

  • Action-Oriented Goals: Focusing on actions within our control rather than outcomes.
  • One Goal Per Quarter: Avoiding the mistake of trying to change everything at once.
  • 4% Rule: Setting goals just 4% beyond what is perceived as possible with the current skill set.

How can ChatGPT assist in creating an actionable business roadmap? ChatGPT can act as the Annual Action Mapper, transforming aspirational visions into tangible quarterly goals and providing a detailed roadmap for the entire year. It helps in reverse-engineering goals and creating a practical plan.

Why is a 3-month timeframe recommended for goal-setting? Scientific experiments suggest that a 3-month timeframe strikes a balance. It is long enough to set ambitious goals but not too long to lose motivation.

What is the purpose of the “Annual Action Mapper” prompt mentioned in the article? The Annual Action Mapper prompt helps users leverage ChatGPT to create a detailed action plan for the upcoming year, turning visions into quarterly goals and weekly action steps.

How can I use the Annual Action Mapper prompt for my business planning? You can fill in the provided placeholders with your vision and context. Answer the AI’s questions about your upcoming year to receive a detailed plan. Implement the plan using your calendar for effective execution.

Can I modify the provided Annual Action Mapper prompt for personal use? Absolutely! Feel free to tailor the prompt to fit your specific business or personal goals. The key is to provide sufficient context for ChatGPT to generate a customized action plan.

What are the constraints for setting goals using the Annual Action Mapper prompt? The goals should be hyper-specific, quantifiable, and tangible. Weekly goals must be action-oriented, and the overall workload should align with the given period (2-5 business days of hard work).

How often should I revisit the generated action plan from ChatGPT? Regularly revisit the plan, especially at the start of each quarter, to ensure alignment with your vision. Adjust as needed based on changing circumstances and progress.

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